Tuesday, February 10, 2009

animalization process 2009/01

new animals added to the zoo...

some old ones have been updated...

those 1st gen animals, if u wanna evolve, pls let me noe~ ^^

Ashteyz = red lnyx (compact fierceness~ chilli padi ^^) - lvl02
Fei = black ????? (???) - lvl01
Icee = fennec fox (smexy) - lvl02
Kei = italian stallion (ferrari) - lvl02(awaiting evolution)
Maomao = pink fish (big fish) - lvl02
Mel.Mel = snow seal (cuteness) - lvl01
Melo = velociraptor (jurassic park) - lvl01
Neko = persian cat (epic cat) - lvl02
Phyllo = black pig (eating machine) - lvl02
Rei = ??? ????? (???) - lvl01
Reinhartx = purple octopus - lvl02(awaiting evolution)
Sephora = siberian tiger (biggest cat in tiger family) - lvl02
Shinji = dodo bird (big fuck) - lvl02
Spidey = black liger (black spider) - lvl02

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